Learn why now is the absolute best time to move 



Your dream business, in any niche, anywhere, right NOW! 

Take the 5-day NON-AIRPLANE MONEY CHALLENGE ($495 value)

starting AUGUST 17 absolutely for FREE!


Get 5 days of LIVE VIRTUAL ONLINE PROGRAM training from GINA CARR.


Learn what successful entrepreneurs are doing right now to launch, grow, and scale their dream business during these uncertain times. 


This is the 100% the FASTEST PATH to quickly and easily turn cold-traffic into paying customers, easily grow an email list, and turn complete strangers into a truly close-knit community of on-fire buyers.


Online programs represent A NEW WAY to help achieve financial freedom RIGHT now, with systems and strategies that SIMPLY WORK—as is evident by the hundreds of people using this framework with tremendous and measurable success. 


This is not marketing theory — this event will reveal THE NEW FOUNDATION for modern marketing and selling strategy in today’s crazy and ever-changing world. 


During this challenge we will be teaching the tools needed to create, grow, and monetize video-based online courses and membership programs.. 


By the end of this challenge you will:

- Know three options for housing video-based content for courses - two of these are free!


- Learn the three easiest ways to create videos and graphics for programs.


- Learn the three most effective ways to market and grow online programs.


Hit the button below and register for this free challenge while registration is still open! 


To your success, 


Gina Carr


Time Sensitive: Do not miss this incredibly unique 5-day live and highly interactive learning experience where you will get personally mentored from Video Rock Starz CEO Gina Carr. 


The challenge starts August 17. Gina will deliver the most important information you need to know right now to help you turn your platform into profits with online programs. 


Your Host and Mentor


Gina Carr is the CEO and co-founder of Video Rock Starz, the online community for business experts who want to master and monetize video marketing and virtual presentations. 

She’s been named as a Top Marketing Thought Leader over 50 by Brand Quarterly and as a Who’s Who Among Women in eCommerce by WE Magazine.

A serial entrepreneur, Gina has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and an industrial engineering degree from Georgia Tech. She is a long-time member of the National Speakers Association, the COO of TEDxDupreePark, creator and host of TEDxDupreeParkTV, and a passionate advocate for all animals and plant-based living. 


What Our Customers Say

People are getting results with Gina Carr's step-by-step training programs.

Donna Reade


Thank you, Gina Carr! I went to the Easy Online course and Memberships workshops.

I used the model that she did and created an outline for a course based on a specific piece of knowledge that people are always asking me to help them with.

Launching this Saturday morning. 

Already filled and closed the registration. After processing fees and paying my affiliate fees generated $1,200 in revenue for 3 hours of delivering content on something I do everyday.

All I did was push my fear aside and took action. You can do this too.

Pegine Echevarria


Gina Carr set me on a mission with one of her challenges. Now I am doing 50 Success Secrets in Business and Life of Feisty, Fearless, Focused, Flourishing, Fun Female Leaders. Monday through Friday I share a tip, insight, piece of inspiration.

Terry Traveland


I have no problem speaking before large groups. But, I freeze when speaking to a camera and it used to take me several hours to get a 2 minute video right. Video Rock Starz is helping me be more comfortable working in front of a camera and producing videos. And, I’m learning the technology and best practices too. I have significantly cut down the time it takes me to record a good video. I no longer fear looking like a total dork on video. Instead, I am confident and the videos I’m producing are much better!